How to Get Busy, Not Bored.

For the past few months, I’ve been in this slump where I’ve been unable to get excited about things and I definitely don’t get motivated by them. So I’ve always wondered: is there any method that really works to help someone get motivated and steer clear of boredom?

Today I discovered that making a list of, “things I’ve always wanted to do” sparked my interest. Maybe it’ll work for you too.

At first you might be skeptical like I was, but once you write a few things down, your heart’s desires begin to pour out onto the page. Reminding yourself of the things that once made you smile and got your mind thinking or your heart beating can help you get busy again.

Making this list gives you the opportunity to consider a whole slew of things that you’ve forgotten you wanted to do, but that may still be important to you or excite you; which is the goal.

I find that in my busy life, I often forget about the things I once desired or dreamed about, and then when I have free time, the activities I engage in often feel void of purpose and stagnate. So if you’re up for it, try this approach. I hope it helps you to rekindle some of the motivational fire inside of you and stay away from boredom.

I hope you’re feeling even a little exited about something now, and are on the path to a more eventful tomorrow (which doesn’t include staring at a wall). Good luck!  🙂

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