16 Things I’m Thankful For (When I’m Happy Again)

  1. Being alive enough to love.
  2. Having enough self-worth to encourage others and congratulate them (even if they are better than me in some regard).
  3. The times when I am truly happy. During those times I relish each day and reflectively recite to myself how thankful I am to be happy, because it does not come easily.
  4. Those who loved me even when I shut them out, had my heart hardened toward them, and was short with them.
  5. Being happy enough to listen to music again, randomly sing, and be excited about little things.
  6. Caring enough about life to have a conversation about something that won’t change the world, but will simply be a part of two people’s day.
  7. Caring enough about life to talk.
  8. Caring enough about life to have regret.
  9. Leaving apathy behind.
  10. Getting excited and looking forward to things.
  11. Being okay enough to stay in the room when someone’s telling a tragic story.
  12. Having the motivation to go on a diet instead of stress eating.
  13. Feeling good about myself again.
  14. Feeling good enough to be cheery and nice to others.
  15. Realizing the things I shouldn’t take for granted.
  16. Caring enough to try to do better next time and take heed by learning from my mistakes.


“The saddest people I’ve ever met in life are the ones who don’t care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there’s nothing to make it last.”

-Nicholas Sparks

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